Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh Santa! Pretty Red Bird!

Oh! Santa in Red
Feeds the Pretty Red Birds
Cardinals are the Red Birds

So Bright Red in the Snow

Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Perched on Santa
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Green Sparkly Reindeer

 Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Shiny Green and Red Tree
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Warmed by a Teapot

Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Nesting in the Green Pine and Cones
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Season of Peace
 Oh! Pretty Red Bird
On the Tabletop
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Resting on Red Tree
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
On the Christmas Plate
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Tweeting Birds in a Wreath
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Fluffy Feathers it's Cold
 Oh! Pretty Red Bird
 Brings Christmas Joy 
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
 Cheers to Christmas Day
 Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Sweet Candy Kisses
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
All Wrapped Up
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Ring the Bells
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Tie A Bow
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
 In Green Tree
Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Eyeing Me
 Oh! Pretty Red Bird
Pretty as can Be
 Oh! Pretty Red Bird
A Merry Christmas 
 Birds in the Air
Fishes in the Sea
 Creatures on the Earth
We Celebrate at the Table
Let's All have a Feast
And A


  1. Love your Lenox china, the cardinals and all the red and green -- perfect for Christmas! Happy Tea Day!

  2. I have several things with cardinals myself, but I just love all of the decor you have with them. I will be going back for a second look - thanks for sharing all your red birds!

  3. Merry Christmas Pam! I love all your pretty red birds and greens. The china is gorgeous and perfect for a Christmas tablescape or tea. I have never seen a real cardinal but hope to someday. Thank you for sharing your very festive post with us and enjoy the upcoming week.


  4. I love cardinals, rarely seen in our nrck of the woods, so your posting today was so interesting to me. Lovely!

  5. Your decor is just beautiful, Pam! Merry Christmas!

  6. You did a great job carrying through with your theme~
    Love those red birds-especially against the snow.
    Ruthie from:

  7. Hi Pam!
    Thank you for your kind visit. I appreciate your thoughtful comments.
    Your Christmas display is so beautiful with all the red and green. Everything shimmers with loveliness!
    Have a Merry christmas!
    Carolynn xxx

  8. Hi Pam,
    My husband and I recently spent a week in Virginia where the cardinal is their state bird. I believe it's even known there as the Virginia Nightingale! I have always loved winter scenes featuring bright red cardinals against the snow...
    Thanks for visiting me and your wonderful comments on my blog! I very much appreciate your kind words.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  9. I love all of your red Christmas decor especially with the lighter green and all the cardinals.

  10. What a beautiful Christmas table. I LOVE those red glittered birds. They are gorgeous! We are giving away a cardinal gift today to everyone who visits at Take Six. Hope you like it! Merry Christmas. :)

  11. I love cardinals - we don't have any in Colorado. I am from Virginia Pam and that is the state bird - love it!
    Your decorations are wonderful! Tell your hubby hi!

  12. Beautiful Lenox! I love the trees for a centerpiece. Tie right into the darling bird theme you have going. I am enthralled. I wish you the merriest of Christmases and many many blessings for this season and next year.

  13. Beautiful! I love every photo. I especially love the cardinal tea pot. xo

  14. Your table is so pretty, Pam! Winter Greetings is my favorite Christmas dish and I am using it for my Christmas party. I love all your center pieces, beautiful cardinals!...Christine

  15. Such a pretty Christmas table! I love your cardinal dishes and teapot. The bird theme is perfect for the Christmas season. Merry Christmas to you!

  16. I PRAY for a season of peace!!! This has been a very turbulent year in our nation and around the world. Let's hope Santa (or ANYBODY!!!) can bring about the peace we need!!! Very nice table with all the beautiful red birds! I love the dishes! They make me think of the animated movie, "Cinderella"!!!

  17. I love to see the cardinals when it snows here. Their bright plumage stands out against the white snow. We have many here, and they visit my feeder everyday. I just bought some of this Lenox china as an early Christmas present and plan to use it for the first time at Christmas dinner! You have inspired me to add some touches of cardinal!! Merry Christmas to you! Linda

  18. Your table is stunning. What a beautiful collection!

  19. Everything is just incredibly stunning. I love your theme and how you carried it all the way through with your pretty poetry too. The china is perfect with everything. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and that all is well with you and your loved ones.

  20. This is just amazing! My brother lives in Virginia and the cardinal is the state bird, so I am always looking at cardinal decorations for him. However, I have never seen so many beautiful ones in one place. Love that Lenox china!

  21. What a gorgeous Christmas setting with all your wonderful glassware! The Lenox china is so beautiful.! Joni

  22. Beautiful table, Pam! I love the cardinal theme...we have them here year'round, but they seem so much brighter against the whiteness of the snow. Thanks for sharing.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  23. Love, love, love all of the cardinals!

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Lovely!
    What a sweet theme! I love cardinals and the Lenox has always been a pattern I admire.
    Yes...may this be a season of peace.

    Merry Christmas!!

  25. Lovely!
    What a sweet theme! I love cardinals and the Lenox has always been a pattern I admire.
    Yes...may this be a season of peace.

    Merry Christmas!!

  26. Lovely! Of course I love the red and green colors and the Cardinals are beautiful! Love the china and the's all beautifully done!

  27. What a beautiful table! So many gorgeous elements! I was in the Lenox Outlet today, admiring those plates!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish, and have a very Merry Christmas!

  28. How festive you are! The cardinals seem just right for the season, and I love their bright red against the white.

  29. What a gorgeous tablescape!

    I ADORE that cardinal teapot - you have such nice tea things!

    I am so glad you stopped by so I could find you.

    I am your newest follower.

    I'ts been TEAriffic meeting you!


  30. Hi Pam,

    Your Christmas decorations and china are gorgeous! I am hoping to lure some cardinals to my bird feeder this winter. They are just a marvelous sight. Wishing you all the best in 2013.

  31. What beautiful pictures!
    Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog, it is always fun to meet new friends.

  32. Such festive photos! Wishing you a wonderful new year :)
