How can you be light hearted? Setting a table with butterflies! See the lovely bright pink butterfly sitting among the blossoms.

Fanciful butterflies fill the china with images of imaginative color.

The centerpiece is a large white ceramic pitcher filled with flowers for an array of matching colors to the china.

A trailing bow of shocking green and brilliant pink and white polka dot ribbon is tied to the pitcher's handle.

Each piece of the butterfly china is decorated with vibrant colors, beginning with the butterfly centered in the middle of the bowl.

The salad is encircled with butterflies and lovely pink blossom.

The dinner plate has the butterflies darting back and forth across the plate to seem as if they are actually fluttering.

The bright pink place plate a has ruffled rim for more movement to accompany the brilliant colored butterflies. The white woven round place mat gives a break in color from the pink texture of the tulle.

The light rays shimmer through the tall bright pink glass candle holders.

The two napkins accompany the interlocking bright pink napkin ring as it reiterates the same colors. A bright pink napkin is wrapped inside the white napkin edged in a lavender blue trim.

The mug repeats the flight of the butterfly on the outside. The clean white flatware is another repeat of light against the pink tablecloth.

The brilliant pink color in the crystal cut water goblet and flute is adding sparkle.

The lovely pale pink blossom in the middle of the bouquet is very similar to the flower on the china.

The sunlight filters through the windows and shines on the table set for light hearted meal.

A multi-colored butterfly echoes the light and airy but brightly colored china.

The table began with
porcelain by 222 Fifth "Spring Beauty" purchased as a break from the cold of winter. Each part of the table from the stemware and
candle holders from Italy has a bright pink color pallet. The tulle is to soften the white tablecloth underneath.