Well all enjoy getting a Valentine's Day card, flowers, or candy for this special day.

This pretty table is set with a mix of new and antique china.
A wide pink stripe with gold trimmings encircle the lovely teapot sitting atop of a bright pink cake stand. This centerpiece is for the Valentine's tea party.
Two of these dainty pink antique serving plates balance the centerpiece. The pattern of an idyllic bright pink scene will serve tea sandwiches and tiny sweets.
Please, come and participate with great enthusiasm by picking your place setting. Each has an antique tea plate for your choice of tea sandwiches.
The salad and dinner plate are a chintz pattern of pink roses and variable green leaves. You will next be served heart shaped scones with cream and strawberry jam. The choice of many dainty desserts can be placed on your dinner plate.
A touch of femininity is the embroidered flower on the bright pink napkin with white lace trim.
You will be wined with sparkling cherry juice in the pink stemmed goblets. Of course, a strawberry flavored tea will give a pink luster to your antique tea cup.
The antique cup has a charming scene of a bridge. The tea set has no markings, which allows the mind to imagine the olden times and places it has served great teas.
My hopes are that you will be encouraged to have a pink or red for family, friends, and love ones.
Our love....
Our love....
I will be posting this on the following
tea and entertaining blogs;
A stroll thru life,
and Bernideen's Tea Time Blog,
A delightsome life,
along with the blog of;
A delightsome life,
along with the blog of;
Between Naps on the Porch
are some of my favorites and
Antiques and Teacups
are some of my favorites and
Antiques and Teacups
I will also post on them this week!