Saturday, October 12, 2013

Whooo Owl

October Challenge proposed by Cuisine Kathleen was the
source of this Fall Tablescape! I will be posting this on
these tea blogs; Rose Chintz Cottage, Artful Affirmations,
Martha's Favorites and Bernideen's Tea Time.
The blogs of A Stroll thru Life,
A Delightsome Life, Between Naps On The Porch,
and The Tablescaper are some of my favorites and
 I will also post on them this week!
The challenge was easy after I found these precious white owls while shopping at Home Goods.
Thus began my theme of owls, owls, and more owls!
The First Owl says "See No Evil"!
The Second Owl says "Hear No Evil"!
The Third Owl says "Speak No Evil"!
Centerpiece is placed on a white fluted
cake stand.
You are invited to sit at the place setting and we will
begin with the orange ruffled charger.
You will be served your entrée on the white swirl dinner plate by Kaiser. The porcelain company produced this pattern "Nicole" with the mark Kaiser, W Germany used from 1970 until 1990.
For dessert we will serve on the salad/dessert plate.
The dessert is two mini-vanilla cupcakes with
orange or white icing plus sprinkles.
A spice cookie adds a taste of fall with an imprint
of autumn leaves!
Your full place setting is festive with the
orange and white hues!
A rolled orange linen napkin is held by a white
ceramic owl napkin ring. The  clear orange and stainless
fork fills the left side.
The right side adds your knife and spoon.
A darling white ceramic small owl with dazzling diamond like eyes has a votive to light your setting.
You can chose chilled water, lemonade, or sweet tea
to be served in the goblet!
The Kaiser cup and saucer is perfect for a hot serving of tea or coffee.
Miniature orange pumpkins and acorns are scattered
across the white linen tablecloth.
We will serve you coffee from the Kaiser white porcelain coffee pot, creamer and sugar bowl.
A tin of tea is perfect with the small white porcelain
pumpkin and teacup and saucer.
Taste and sniff  the fall aromas of the
Pumpkin Spice Rooibos from Trader Joe's.
Or, you may choose the coffee for an after dinner treat.
The finals on both the coffee pot and sugar bowl lid
have a rose with leaves design. You may enjoy
sugar or cream with your coffee or tea.
Two tall orange candle holders with orange hued candle flank the center cake stand!
The wonderful owl shape of the tall orange candle holder complements the owl theme.
On the center of the table the orange runner adorns the white pumpkins and owls.
The orange owl candle holder, large white ceramic pumpkin, and orange glitter pumpkin decorate each end of the table.
The close-up of the pumpkins shows the different textures and colors of these accents.

We are glad to share this orange and white owl theme
 tablescape with you! Hope you will enjoy
your dining experience this fall season!


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning Pam,
What a colourful table setting! I love your white dinnerware. The owls are so cute and add a whimsical touch. The tea set is lovely! Thank you so much for sharing and coming to tea. Have a beautiful day.


Antiques And Teacups said...

Lovely table. And your owls are so cute! Whoooo would have thought it??! I love Pumpkins Spice tea, but am allergic to Rooiboos, so stick to the other types. But your setting is gorgeous! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Jocelyn said...

The owls are TOO cute!! Love your table.

Jocelyn @

Lavender Cottage said...

Your owl themed tablescape is lovely.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Hi Pam,
What a beautiful table all set with orange and white. Your owls were a great inspiration for your setting. I wish I could enjoy some of your tea with you and maybe a cupcake, too. xo

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Pam. I love your tea settings. So bright and pretty and the owl features are really cute. I love white dishes and with that scroll design yours are especially pretty..Happy Monday..Judy

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Pam. I especially wanted to thank you for your kind comments on my Pink Tea post. I almost forgot to tell you..Happy Monday..Judy

Clara said...

A beautiful fall tablescape and I love the white porcelain owls.

Tea in Texas said...

I just love to follow your blog because each posting is a new vision into you gift of table scaping. The use of white and orange was a great idea to meet the all white challenge but also bring the orange of fall. Bert

Monica @ Happily Playing with Dishes said...

Fantastic job!!! I love all your owls. Thanks for checking on me. Things are going well here in Houston.

Anonymous said...

Love this...what a fun table! That flatware is all of the owls.

Tricia said...

I love the orange and white -- very fresh looking -- but the owls really put it over the top! I will send a link to my daughter, who teaches at Rice and has all manner of owls -- she'll love it!

Sarah said...

Beautiful job on this table. It's a Texas table for sure with the orange and white. '-) Cute owls, each one!
Thanks for sharing.

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Another lover of owls! I have been smitten with owls every since I rescued one 20 years ago. Love this table!

Unknown said...

I love all your owls! Your table is so sweet with all the white & orange. I am glad you took the challenge!
Thanks for visiting me! I loved your comments. I will be sure to visit Galveston during the Christmas season.
Blessings My Friend,

Beth said...

What a lovely table, Pam! I love the owls, the flatware, and your napkin rings. The tea sounds good too!

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Great table, love the orange and white combo and your cute white owls. Really like your flatware and so wish I had some to go with my orange and white table.

Candy S said...

Pam, I am so impressed with this beautiful tablescape. The chargers are really pretty and so unique. And I love owls in a tablescape. Especially the white ones. The hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil are precious. Great job. I want to join your blog as a member, but I did not see a place to join. I would love to get your posts..... Candy

xinex said...

Wow! Even your candle holders are owls, so cute! I love the owl napkin rings! Beautiful table!..Christine

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

The orange is so pretty with the white! The owl theme is real cute too! Nice details with the tea, etc.


Miss Jane said...

Your three little owls are adorable! I love your fun table and all the other owls and the orange napkins.


Cathy said...

Whoo,Whoo, that's a happy Owl that really likes your table. Thanks for visiting. My friend may have to drop over for a visit.

Elaine said...

Your table has been the brightest so far! I think all the white just makes orange pop, even more than it usually does. The owls are all adorable, and your table looks ready for a fall or Halloween party! said...

How much fun is this!! Love you owl trio, adorable! I love all the orange pops too, really cute!

Diane said...

Love those snowy owls!! However, the orange owl candle holders are really fantastic. Orange is just the perfect color to use in October and you have don a wonderful job mixing it with white!

Red Couch Recipes said...

I adore this owl theme. I love your "No Evil" owls, I am used to seeing these with monkeys. The world would be a better place if we followed what these owls are showing us. I love the two-toned theme of white and orange. I especially love the huge candle holders, and am a fan of your orange flatware. Whooey! Joni

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What great white owls and pumpkins! Those owl candle holders are perfect for your theme! You had some real treasures for this orange and white scape, and it turned out so pretty. I love that cake stand! laurie

Marigene said...

Pam, Pam, Pam...♥♥♥ your white and orange owl table! Those are the cutest owls and owl candlesticks.
I just got done snacking on those very same mini cupcakes!
Have a great week...

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Wow, what a specatcular table you set! Those owls are too cute! I like that orange flatware- very uniqe! The pumpkin spice tea sounds so good!

Lady of the Manor said...

Lovely! I love the orange!!

Beeutiful by Design said...

Owls and oranges so so cute!!! Where did you get that orange flatware it is adorable :)

Lulu said...

Your owls are terrific and how clever you were to think to use them in a tablescape. Of course, the orange is perfect for the white and the season.

Jacqueline said...

How beautiful the white and orange are together! Those owls with the diamond eyes are stunning and so unusual. I wouldn't have thought to pair the orange with the white, but why not, white is stunning with anything and this is a fabulous table! Happy tablescaping!!

Terri said...

I am so sorry to be late to the party, I was away this week.
Your tea time here is so perfectly Autumn! I love these adorable owls. They really do make the table. The cake stand is beautiful, I have one very similar.
MMMmmmm pumpkin spice it!

Kathleen said...

Your owls are darling, and if you got the napkin ring at HG I got them too, as well as Alama! What a hoot! :)
You did a great job with your orange and white, and thanks for taking the challenge!

Entertaining Women said...

The White Challenge was so much fun this week. You made your one color have a fantastic impact on your all white tablescape. I love what you did with the orange. I've never been a big orange fan, but this year, I find myself drawn to it. Lots of inspiration here for me. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay